Eliminate Your Allergies!
This is a non-invasive technique combining acupuncture, muscle testing and western medical theory to eliminate your allergies. Most people think of an allergy as the piece of food they are unable to eat because they may end up in the hospital, or the pollen that is out in spring time that causes their itchy watery eyes. However, there are more allergens than one may think and many ways they can manifest in your body. Using the theories of Chinese Medicine that everything has energy flowing through it, then it is possible for the energy of a substance to be incompatible with the energy of your body and therefore your body will have a negative reaction to it. This is what is known as an allergy, sensitivity or intolerance in Western Medicine terms. Using NAET© we are able re-harmonize the bodies energy and the energy of the allergic substance so you no longer experience any allergy symptoms and completely get rid of your allergy. It is simple, easy and it works!!!